I call myself not just an architect. By choice, I blend my professional practice with my activism. I call it my PRACTIVISM.

In 2006, stumbling out of a theatre after watching that seminal film, Inconvenient Truth, stunned and shaken by what I didn’t know that I didn’t know that I didn’t…even…know. My life changed. I discovered my inner activist.

I trained to become a Climate Reality Leader. I dove deep into “joining millions using their voices and everyday choices to tackle the climate crisis.” I made countless presentations to every societal sector that would listen.

My activism expanded to teamwork with:

  • Climate reality Northern New Mexico

  • Citizens Climate Lobby New Mexico

  • Climate defenders New Mexico

  • Retake our democracy, Santa Fe, NM

  • 350 Santa Fe

I advocated for Radical Common Sense like:

  • “Because Good Planets Are Hard to Find”

  • “It’s not personal until it’s personal.”

  • “The best way to invent the future is to invent it.”

  • “Naming it Climate Change: like calling an invading army ‘uninvited visitors’. “

Seismic events in 2016 led to a government-led-by-the-uninterested-and-comically-underqualified.

So I doubled down on Activism as the stakes doubled and double or nothing urgency ruled the day. I tried to explain that the External Cost of unbridled Climate Emissions truly doubles the price to exist… just to exist. I talked about the Existential Threat and how we are betting the entire farm.

It was double or quit. I had to multiply my efforts, connect disparate teams, connect well-meaning souls, all to sound the alarm amongst Citizenry In Common.

Then… I stopped. I hit the wall… I stopped Arguing With Zombies.

More in my next post, soon…
