We offer 4 Rain Capture Storage Solutions:

• CUSTOM-BUILT: Available in any gallon capacity up to 10,000 gallons
• SEMI-CUSTOM-BUILT: A lower cost solution available in limited sizes
• RETROFIT SOLUTIONS: We can retrofit an existing tank on your property by adding insulation and finishing it to your specifications.
• PRE-BUILT TANK: Several designs can be ready for pick-up at our shop.

Installation services are not available with this option.


RainVessels are designed and built based on the specific needs of each client. Typically, this process happens in three phases.

  • First, a RainVessels technician visits your site and evaluates your harvest potential and aesthetic requirements.
  • Next, our architects draft a proposal based on a scope of work indicated by the site visit.
  • Upon approval, our builders prefab your vessel as much as possible at our shop and deliver it to your property for final touches and installation.


Our goal is to provide extraordinary products with a minimal impact on your environment.

  • Our crew can operate in relatively small are of site disturbance–using only a fenced-off installation area and a small footpath. 
  • In most cases we anticipate hand digging a hole for the tank to below frost line. Ideally, we try to avoid using heavy impact equipment.
  • We can supply and install a RainVessel inside an existing building with a small crew and, if necessary, work with access limited to a 3’ door.